Top Secret Start Line!
In the grand tradition of 1990s raves, mashed up with the very first alleycats from the 1980s, our start line is in an alley just off of Sorauren in Roncesvalles village. Plug in GPS 43°38'38.6"N 79°26'38.7"W to your Google map and you'll find us or click the pic above. If you're not able to do that, make sure you pre-register and we can put you on our Whatsapp group for directions. Top Secret!

Alleycats Skid & Track Stand Comp
The trackstand and skid competition is open to everyone and their dog - provided Fido can ride a fixie - and will be happening at 9pm on August 17th. Meet us in the alley with your $10 (if you didn't race) behind Bass Line and we'll see who the champ is! Plug in this GPS to your map app 43°39'40.8"N 79°25'28.9"W or click the pic above to find us!