Trivia Game: Pre-Race “Checkpoint” #1

We thought it might be fun to kick off the alleycat early, and give you all an idea of how the game will go. Racers will be given clues based on pioneering women and asked to find their corresponding significant address to race to as a checkpoint. It would be unfair and boring of us to give out the Toronto checkpoints early so let’s start he game with this format but in different locations instead.

Don’t worry, the actual alleycat address answers will all be within biking distance in downtown Toronto 😉

Our first pre-game Pioneering Feminist: The One, The Only, The Baddest Ass Bad Ass Who Ever Kicked Ass: Ms. Harriet Tubman.

As hopefully we all know, Ms. Tubman was an American abolitionist and social activist who made 13 missions to rescue 70 people using the Underground Railroad after she herself escaped slavery. She then was an armed scout and spy for the Union Army during the Civil War, and in later years was an activist in the women’s suffrage movement.

Ms. Tubman lived in a home on North Street Across from Salem Chapel, built in 1855, where she attended services. She worked with local organizations, such as the St. Catharines Refugee Slaves’ Friend Society of St. Catharines. Now what’s the Address of Salem Chapel to race to, Pussycats?

Post your answer on our Instagram or Facebook pages!


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